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According to Pliny the Elder, the blemios, headless mythological beings, were Nubians. Velázquez had Pliny's Natural History in his library. In Hereford's Mappa Mundi (1300) a couple of bels appears, walking along the Nile River. The man carries an arrow and a basket. Nubia was known as "Tai-Seiti", the land of the "bow people", a population that was difficult to subdue. In front of him is the woman with the staff of command, like that of the prophet Moses and a magic rod or measuring rod, both with their genitals well marked. They were pharaohs of Egypt, great craftsmen and they say they were the first potters. The archaeological site of Nabta Playa, 1,000 years before Stonehenge, is a clear precursor of Egyptian cosmology.

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Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of Nubian origin, her image always refers to a cow, with her typical spiral braids, which would be dreadlocks with that horn shape. It was known as "the one with the braid", that same spiral with which baskets have been woven for 10,000 years in Egypt. Along with some studies of spirals by Dürer, from his book on geometry, a copy of which Velázquez had in his workshop. Velázquez uses this golden spiral, divine proportion, in the composition of Las Meninas to take us, guided by this hypnotic spiral, to the heart of the Infanta.

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The Virgin of Atocha in Madrid is a wooden carving from the s. XIII and is patron saint of the Monarchy, its name comes from the plant with which esparto grass is made to weave baskets. King Felipe IV went to see it 3,400 times, according to what a clergyman from the basilica patiently noted. The Black Madonnas are historically related to the Egyptian goddess Isis, and she appears with the sun disk in the background and the moon under her feet. On the right Isis with her son Horus with the solar disc and the horns (or the moon) on her head, the divine attributes of the goddess Hathor.

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San Antonio Abad, Francisco de Zurbarán 1664

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Campana Copta, s. III d.C. hasta el s. VI Egipto.

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Cruz de Ankh, Tebas, Egipto. 1500 B.C.

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​​Moses,Michelangelo 1513-15 


​​Moses at Mount Sinai, Jean-Leon Gerome 1895-1900

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Mary Magdalene 

Pedro de Mena s. seventeenth

Prado Museum

Saint Mary the Egyptian

Luis Salvador Carmona 17th century

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Revelation 12   1. -"And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars".

Jain Tirthankara Parshvanatha s. VI d.C.             Hathor (espejo) 1500 a.C.

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blemish persecution, manuscript of the Middle Ages.

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Mary Magdalene and Saint Onofre.


Image of a blemish in theGreek Magical Papyriyes I BC to the s. VII discovered in the Egyptian desert, showing thesyncretismmagical-religious of Greco-Roman Egypt. He has his head hanging to the side as he holds an Ankh cross. Above it appears the word IAO, which was the name by which God was called.

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Berlin Codex

 The Secret Revelations of John.


Once Jesus of Nazareth died, the apostle John was made to doubt the teachings of his teacher by a Pharisee and an Arimanian (¿) and he went to the mountain to meditate. Suddenly the heavens opened and an ineffable light appeared to him, it was Jesus Christ.


9- "He told me: "John, why do you hesitate? 10- Because you are not a stranger to this analogy. Do not be cowardly! 11- I am the one who always dwells in you. 12- I am the Father. I I am the Mother. I am the Son. 13- I am the one who always exists, without stain and without mixture. 14- Now I have come to instruct you about what is and what has come to be. 15- So that you understand things that are invisible and those that are visible, 16- to teach you about the Perfect Human".

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La vuelta de Moisés a Egipto,  Pietro Perugino 1482.    Capilla Sixtina

Detalle de Séfora, la mujer nubia de Moisés.

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Pinturicchio que asistió a Perugino en el fresco de la Capilla Sixtina, pintó a “Isis entre Moisés y Hermes Trismegisto” en el apartamento Borgia también conocido como “las estancias secretas”, entre 1492-1494 en el Vaticano. 

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Egyptian God Heh,the god of infinite space and eternity, arises from the primordial ocean, where there is nothing and from where everything arises, is known as "the one of millions of years".

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sufi dervish

Mahasiddha Tibetan Buddhism

Chinese Guanyin

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Isis with Horus, Egypt

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Book of hours, wound of Jesus. Middle Ages

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Lacquer seal. Middle Ages

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Moisés y su mujer etíope Séfora, Jacob Jordaens, 1650

Capilla de María Magdalena, Giotto 1314 

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Detalle Mappa Mundi de Herford, Catedral de Hereford 1300


Nacimiento de Venus Botticelli 1485

Capilla de María Magdalena, Giotto 1314 

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María Magdalena, Cezanne

María Magdalena, Caravaggio

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The prophet Elijah and the angel,  Juan Frias de Escalante 1689


The ecstasy of Saint Teresa. Bernini c. 1650

"I saw a long gold dart in my hands, and at the end of the iron it seemed to me to have a little fire. This seemed to me to put it through the heart sometimes, and that it reached my entrails. When I took it out, it seemed to me that it carried them with it and left me all ablaze with the great love of God."

Book of Life. Chapter XXIX,  Saint Teresa of Avila.

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Moses and the water from the rock,  Juan Frias de Escalante 1689

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Santa Maria de Bareyo, Cantabria

Metternich's magic stele, metmuseum

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Virgen Negra de Atocha, Museo del Prado 

El Niño de Atocha

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